Chorizo and Butter Bean Stew

    This recipe was one of the reasons I started this website.  I was trying to explain to a friend of mine in an e-mail about what I had changed about the recipe, what the kids thought of it, etc. and then I was telling someone else later on.  How much easier would have been to type it once?

    Also, let me say that Jamie Oliver is my new hero and I have been trying out a lot of his recipes lately.

    Here is my version of his recipe:
    1/2 lb. ground turkey chorizo
    3/4 chopped red onion
    3 garlic cloves
    olive oil
    1 tspn. cumin
    1/2 tspn. sweet paprika
    1 pinch of cayenne
    14 1/2 oz. can diced tomatoes
    15 1/2 oz. can butter beans
    several dollops of sour cream

    Directions: In a dutch oven or other such pot, cook the chorizo, garlic, olive oil and onion until the chorizo is cooked through. Add the spices, tomatoes and butter beans and cook until heated through.

    When serving, dish into bowls and top each serving with a dollop of sour cream. This dish is on the spicy side and the sour cream helps take the heat off. This recipe doesn’t make a lot. It made enough for hubby and I to each have one serving and our two boys to each have one little serving. It could easily be doubled for more.

    Jaime Oliver suggests serving this dish with some crusty bread and a nice glass of red wine, so that’s what we did.

    So what did the family think? Hubby and I thought it was awesome. It was SO MUCH tastier than I thought it would be. One of the kids ate only the beans and the tomatoes and our other child ate only the chorizo. Go figure.

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Filed under Definitely Making it Again, Easy, Everybody Ate It, Spicy, Stew/Soup

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