Italian Sloppy Joes

Hubby said this tasted like pizza on a bun.

1/2 onion, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
1 lb. ground Italian sausage
1 jar spaghetti sauce
Hamburgers buns

Add onions, green pepper and Italian sausage to a skillet and cook over medium-high heat until sausage is cooked through. Add spaghetti sauce and cook until heated through.

Serve in hamburger buns.

We had this with carrot sticks and fruit salad.

What did the family think? I was surprised the kiddos didn’t like it more since it did taste like pizza on a bun and they like pizza. I think it was the green peppers that put them off. Oh well, hubby and I liked it.

from Food Network

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Filed under Easy, Italian, Sandwich, Six Ingredients or Less, Super Easy to Make

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