I have mentioned before that I am not a big fan of using yeast…all the waiting and kneading. I know, I know, it’s not really all that bad, but if I can find a recipe that gives me the same result without the yeast, then I am all over it. So when I was looking for recipes to make homemade breadsticks I chose this one as opposed to the gazillion others that are out there that require yeast. I am also not a big fan of breaking out the rolling pin either, but there wasn’t really any way to get around that.
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter or margarine
1 tablespoon oil
3 cups flour (I use part whole wheat, part unbleached)
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
1-1 1/2 cups milk
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Place butter and oil in 9×13 pan and put in oven so butter melts as the oven heats up. Be careful not to let it burn!
Stir dry ingredients together, and gradually add milk, stirring until dough forms and leaves sides of bowl.
Knead 5-6 times in bowl; place on floured countertop and roll out into 9×13-inch rectangle.
Lay dough in pre-heated 9×13-inch pan, atop the melted butter/oil. Cut into 1/2″ strips.
Bake at 425 degrees for 20 minutes.
Did I change anything? I didn’t use quite as much butter as this recipe calls for. It just seemed like a lot.
I changed the amount of milk in this recipe. I used a little bit more than the original recipe called for. Just add it a little at a time until the dough comes together.
What did the family think? We don’t usually say no to carbs, especially ones that taste really good slathered in butter and honey.
Where did this recipe come from? Tammy’s Recipes
Photo from Tammy’s Recipes