Several weeks ago on MommaCooks’ Facebook page I had mentioned some new foods I had tried lately and some that I wanted to try, like lychee fruit, which I still haven’t tried yet. Well, we have some neighbors down the street who raise chickens, geese and some dairy goats. When we walked down to their house last night to pick up some chicken eggs they had one goose egg for sale. The boys were so excited, so we picked up one goose egg to go along with our chicken eggs.
Trying a goose egg was not on my list of new foods to try, it wasn’t even on my radar, but that’s what we had for breakfast this morning…scrambled goose egg. Since we only had one goose egg, we mixed in a few chicken eggs as well. What was the verdict? We all decided the goose egg did taste a little different than chicken eggs and that the eggs turned out more yellow because the yolk is a lot bigger. Everyone gave it a thumbs up!
Goose egg on the left and chicken egg on the right.