Olive Oil, Garlic and Lemon Chicken

So easy and simple!

2 1/2-3 lb. fryer, cut up
1/2 cup olive oil
6 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
Juice of 1 lemon
Salt and pepper, to taste

Wash chicken and pat dry. Pour olive oil in a 9″x12″ pan. Place chicken pieces in pan and turn to coat oil on all sides. Sprinkle salt and pepper on chicken. Sprinkle garlic, and lemon juice over all. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 hour, basting every 15 minutes, or until chicken is tender.

We had this with watermelon and a baguette.

What did the family think? Everyone ate it so it must have been a hit. Hubby ate his with spicy German mustard and the boys ate theirs with catsup.

Did I change anything? I just used chicken breasts. Also, the recipe called for parsley. I used the parsley, but I think it would have been better without it.

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Filed under Chicken, Easy, Everybody Ate It, Six Ingredients or Less, Super Easy to Make

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