Buttermilk Syrup

I had never even heard of Buttermilk syrup until my friend and former neighbor, Valerie, wrote about making it on her blog. Valerie is an awesome cook, so I knew it had to be good.

1 1/2 c butter
1 1/2 c buttermilk
3 c sugar
1 t vanilla
1 T baking Soda

In large saucepan (make sure it is big enough to accommodate the syrup foaming when the baking soda is added), combine butter, buttermilk, and sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring regularly.

Remove from heat and whisk in vanilla and baking soda (it will foam up at this point.) It is now ready to serve.

Did I change anything? No, but I will tell you this makes A LOT of syrup. Next time I am only making half. Also, once you make it, let it set for about 15 minutes. It needs to rest and thicken up a bit. It’s kind of weird at first while I was waiting for it to cool off a bit…it’s thick and kind of bubbly… and I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it AT ALL, but it was awesome! Trust me. It’s good. You can thank me later. 🙂

What did the family think? Heavens to Betsy this stuff is good!

from whiteonricecouple.com


Filed under Definitely Making it Again, Six Ingredients or Less, Vegetarian

2 Responses to Buttermilk Syrup

  1. Pingback: MommaCooks » Blog Archive » Pumpkin Pancakes

  2. Jody

    I was wondering what you meant by “Buttermilk Syrup”, but just the name sounded good. We will be trying this one! 🙂

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