Tomatoes and Cottage Cheese

I know this isn’t really a recipe, but it is comfort food to me. Every time I make this I am taken back to my grandma’s kitchen…with her old yellow linoleum floors that slope ever so slightly, her butter churn in the corner that sits next to the potato box and the colander full of tomatoes fresh from the garden. This is the perfect way (in my opinion) to get through some of those garden tomatoes you don’t know what to do with.

1 small tomato
About 1 cup cottage cheese
A dash of salt (optional)
A pinch of pepper (optional)

Chop tomato into bite-sized pieces. Mix with the remainder of the ingredients in a bowl. Enjoy!

What did the family think? I am the only one who eats this in my house.

Where did this recipe come from? I got it from my grandma and she probably got it from her grandma.

photo from Foods We Love

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Filed under After School Snacks, Definitely Making it Again, Easy, Side Dish, Six Ingredients or Less, Super Easy to Make, Vegetarian

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