Curry-spiced Lamb Burgers

Spicy little numbers…

1 lb. ground lamb
1/2 onion, peeled and cut into chunks
1 jalapeno, seeded and minced
1 tspn. ground coriander
1 tspn. ground cumin
1/2 tspn. turmeric
Salt and pepper to taste
Hamburger buns or pita bread
Garnishes: mango, red bell pepper, mayo, lettuce

Preheat grill to medium-high.

Put onion in a food processor and pulse until coarsely ground. Put lamb, onion, jalapeno, coriander, cumin, turmeric, salt and pepper in a bowl and mix well. (I used my hands.) Shape into four burgers.

Put burgers on grill and cook for about 5-6 minutes on each side.

Serve hamburgers on hamburger buns or in pita bread with garnish. We had ours on hamburger buns because the pitas I bought turned out to me moldy. I HATE it when that happens. We had the burgers with sliced mango, thinly sliced red bell peppers and mayo.

What did the family think? Everybody are it which totally surprised me because these are a bit spicy with the jalapeno. I think what made these super yummy was the crispiness of the red bell peppers coupled with the sweetness of the mango which kind of balances out the spiciness of the burger.
We were going to have these with corn on the cob and some fruit, but I totally forgot about the corn on the cob. I guess we’ll save it for another dinner.

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Filed under Everybody Ate It, Sandwich, Spicy

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